Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Introducing Cub Beat Reporter, Hermana Voss

Reporting live from Mexico City, Mexico it's Hermana Voss, your source for all the weekly news updates concerning me, Hermana Voss. 

Confession time dear readers, this is actually my third week in the Missionary Training Center (or CCM as they say in Mexico). The first two weeks of training were at home over zoom though, so forgive me for thinking they don't count. In personal news, I am one of three women in my district (a group of eleven missionaries) which means instead of one companion, I've been given two, making us a trio! I can't say yet whether it's more complicated than having one would be, but it's certainly interesting. 
My Trio Companionship

Zoom Training

The elders are all very nice (even though the hermanas are better) and way tall! Our tallest elder is 6'4" and we have two 6'3" elders and several who are 6' and above. We only have like three elders who aren't that tall, and yet I'm still craning my neck at 5'4". 

My District

Shock of all shocks, the food ain't so bad least so far! The food was a big concern of mine, yet I've been finding things to enjoy at every meal! They have foods I love like watermelon, green grapes, donuts, salad, cereal! I definitely haven't liked all the meals (the pizza was a no go) but I've eaten something I've liked at every meal, and even tried new foods I found out I loved! 

I had heard about these delightful treats before I arrived

Messi is very important in Argentina as all the elders explained to me upon my informing them I didn't really know who he was. After completely unnecessary outrage from my district, I was told Argentina was about to win a big soccer thing, so keep me updated on whether they win that and whether Messi was impressive...

In personal sports, the hermanas taught me how to work out my legs! I was sore all day, but I realized working out is way more fun when you are doing it right. 

Foosball - a "real" workout!

Truthfully, I have never felt the spirit more in my life. This is one of the most overwhelming things, but its so worth it. My thoughts have been reflecting on the power that comes from Christ as I have had to lean on him more thoroughly these past days. Christ strengthens us as we follow his will, and he turns our weaknesses into strengths. A weakness I've always had has been my overly emotional nature, yet here Christ has found a way to turn that into a strength. 

My empathy and willingness to open my heart has allowed me to feel the spirit almost constantly here, and helped me be aware of when actions I or others take fail to invite his presence. I have felt the divine love Christ has for many of my friends and family and it has transformed the way I look at them and treat them. 

Your Heavenly Father loves you. He loves you. Is there anything more magnificent than that? He knows you more than anyone has ever known you, and his love for you is incomprehensible. 

I feel blessed our Heavenly Father loves me enough to allow me to know all of you and love you even part of the way he does. 

Perdon mi español mal! Yo aprendo, pero no estoy perfecto. No soy perfecto! Español es muy divertido! Los élderes son más divertidos y pequeño mal un poco tiempo jajajaja. Es un chiste! Ellos son bien pero en clases de español ellos estan jokesters! 

Mis compañeras y yo practicamos todos los días, pero necesitamos más paciencia porque no estamos muy bien! Jesucristo ayúdanos a aprender con el don de leñguas. Espero que esto es comprensible! 

The funnies 
Elder Grant is from Australia and one day his companion showed up to class without him (a big no no) and so we asked him where elder Grant was and turns out he was deported! Or so he said, turns out Elder grant's paperwork got messed up so he had to return to the airport to fix it. He showed up like an hour into class after having to fill out a bunch of paperwork and pray for them to not to send him on another 18 hour flight home. 

Spanish doesnt have a word for Australian Footy (soccer for us Americans), Elder Grant is outraged, he's started saying his favorite sport is "fútbol australiano" 

We got paired with an all native Spanish district for church, and when we had our first branch presidency meeting we were all looking like confused squirrels (another word Elder Grant can't say) because the presidency was speaking to us in Spanish and we've only been learning for 2 weeks! They started singing a Spanish hymn and none of us were singing because we were so lost that we just started laughing until someone could help us find it online, but by the time we finally found the lyrics the song was already over! 

Til next week!


Hermana Voss

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