Monday, August 26, 2024

A dog peed on me and it wasn't even Pipi

Casa sweet casa

Hermana Ellison has been pretty sick since my first day meeting her. She's always sniffling and coughing and she wakes us in the middle of the night unable to breathe because of how much mucus she has in her nose and throat. So I was expecting it when she felt so bad on Thursday that we decided to stay home so she could rest. 

When one companion is sick the other(s) are supposed to stay home with them and just send messages as their contacting method for the day. So Hermana Merlo began calling people while I typed out messages. Hermana Merlo suggested just sending out a mass text to a lot of our contacts then texting back the ones that replied, but I didn't feel like I could do that. 

I started looking through the names and past experiences with missionaries to see if anyone stuck out to me. I found a name that I felt impressed to message and began looking for a scripture I thought she might need. I found it and typed a long message touching on the feelings I had about what she needed in her life right now. 

This woman who had not replied to any texts missionaries had sent in a while sent back a long audio expressing her gratitude for our message and her confirmation of the truth of it. I messaged a couple more people that way and even though I only managed to text 5 people in an hour doing that, all of them responded! 

I felt very grateful that I was able to use my talent for writing in my missionary service, and I know the Lord has big plans for me that will continue to utilize this skill. It felt so good to write like that again and I can't wait to see what I do next with it! 

Español y Perritos 

El viernes nosotras recibimos un visitó de Hermana Antuña, la esposa del Presidente de Misión. Ella es muy simpática y muy divertida! Pero después caminó en nuestra casa ella levantó el pie y se dio cuenta de que había pisado caca de perro fuera de nuestra casa! Se podía ver el rastro que sus botas habían dejado en nuestra piso. 

Ella estaba muy avergonzada y se disculpó. Pero estaba bien porque ella trajo postres por nosotras. Los postres estaban deliciosos y es un cuento muy gracioso. Pero en Argentina revisa sus zapatos antes de entrar a una casa!

For those of us who no hablo espanol, here is a brief translation:
On Friday, we received a visit from Sister Antuna, the wife of the Mission President. She is very nice and very fun! But then she walked in our house, she lifted her foot and realized she had stepped in dog poop outside our house!You could see the trail that her boots had left on our floor.

She was very embarrassed and apologized. But it was okay because she brought desserts for us. The desserts were delicious and it is a very funny story. But in Argentina, check your shoes before entering a house!

Border Control Corruption 

I've just been informed of the complex package sending methods that exist here in Argentina. Apparently it's impossible to get packages here in Argentina because Amazon doesn't really exist here, and also Border Control are all thieves. 

So the way it works is that when a package gets sent into the country they get to check the passage to make sure it's not illegal. But really all they do is take everything in the package for themselves. Hermana Ellison has never had a package get to her because the people who check them just take the stuff and don't send the package. (This is all hearsay, don't arrest me)

So apparently the only way she's ever recieved packages is through smuggling. Essentially you can pay people going to Argentina to take a package in their luggage with them then drop it off once their here. It costs a lot more but there's a 90% chance you'll get your package that way rather than a 10% chance. 

So for Christmas, maybe just send me an email... 

Animal Attack

The dogs here are vicious y'all. We were walking around the neighborhood knocking on doors and suddenly this dog runs to us like lightning and starts trying to jump up on us. At first I'm trying not to run away from the dog cause I know that will rile it up more, but then the dog pees at me! I got out of the way fast enough that I don't even think it managed to get the corner of my dress, but after that we hustled away from the dog and Hermana Ellison kept kicking her foot in it's direction to keep it away. 

We got away and Hermana Ellison (who was still sick) was so winded that she started gagging and struggling to breathe. It's all good though because it was golden hour so we decided to take some epic pics of Hermana Ellison dying.

Also it's crazy that the dog that peed on me wasn't even our friendly neighborhood dog Pipi, whose name would imply it's something he might do. Here's a picture of my best friend, and very good boy Pipi though.

Good Boy Pipi!

1 comment:

  1. Stay a safe distance from dogs. I only had one dog experience in Germany and it didn't turn out as yours did. I hope the dress didn't have to be laundered. My shirt was torn after my encounter.



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