Monday, September 9, 2024

An Exciting Development


Vamos a Bautismo!!! Oscar tenía su bautismo este sábado. Este no es mi bautismo, pero Oscar me pedió que hablar en su bautismo. Este es mi discurso!

""4 Porque somos sepultados juntamente con él para muerte por medio del bautismo, a fin de que como Cristo resucitó de los muertos por la gloria del Padre, así también nosotros andemos en vida nueva" 

Este versiculo en Romanos nos habla sobre el símbolo de bautismo. El bautismo es un renacimiento. Es una nueva vida. Cuando Alma hijo despertó después de recibir la visita de un ángel, dijo:

"25 Y el Señor me dijo: No te maravilles de que todo el género humano, sí, hombres y mujeres, toda nación, tribu, lengua y pueblo, deban nacer otra vez; sí, nacer de Dios, ser cambiados de su estado carnal y caído, a un estado de rectitud, siendo redimidos por Dios, convirtiéndose en sus hijos e hijas; 26 y así llegan a ser nuevas criaturas;"

Cuando nosotros decidimos hacer el convenio del bautismo, tenemos una oportunidad para vivir una vida nueva con más bendiciones. Tenemos un padre perfecto con un plan perfecto y un amor perfecto para nosotros. 

El bautismo permite que Dios se acerque a nosotros y nos bendiga más. Podemos confiar en él más, oír de el más, y sentir su amor más. Y también tenemos más acceso a su poder. Cuando nosotros llegamos a ser nuevas criaturas, llegamos a ser criaturas más perfectas, y más cercanas a Dios. Este proceso nos da poder para cambiar. En Mosíah el rey Benjamín dice el mismo a su pueblo. 

"7 Ahora pues, a causa del convenio que habéis hecho, seréis llamados progenie de Cristo, hijos e hijas de él, porque he aquí, hoy él os ha engendrado espiritualmente; pues decís que vuestros corazones han cambiado por medio de la fe en su nombre; por tanto, habéis nacido de él y habéis llegado a ser sus hijos y sus hijas."

Porque nosotros entramos en este convenio, llegamos a ser sus hijos y sus hijas. Dios es nuestro padre. Él es nuestro padre y podemos confiar en el, podemos darle a él nuestras cargas y preocupaciones. Él está con nosotros en todos los momentos. 

En el bautismo es necesaria una inmersión total, y esto es verdad en nuestras almas también. Necesitamos una inmersión total en el evangelio, y el bautismo es el primer paso para hacerlo. 

Felicitaciones Oscar, continúe sumergiéndose en el Evangelio, y Cristo estará allí con usted en cada paso del camino. 

En el nombre de Jesucristo Amen."

También nosotras y los misioneros que enseñar Oscar cantamos una cancion, "Andare con Cristo." Fue muy bueno!

And now the English version of that (according to Google)

Let's go to a Baptism!!! Oscar had his baptism this Saturday. This is not my baptism, but Oscar asked me to speak at his baptism. This is my speech!
"4 For we were buried with him into death through baptism, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life."
This verse in Romans tells us about the symbolism of baptism. Baptism is a rebirth. It's a new life. When Alma the younger woke up after receiving a visit from an angel, he said:
"25 And the Lord said to me: Do not marvel that all mankind, yes, men and women, every nation, tribe, language and people, must be born again; yes, be born of God, be changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed by God, becoming his sons and daughters; 26 and thus they become new creatures;"
When we decide to make the covenant of baptism, we have an opportunity to live a new life with more blessings. We have a perfect father with a perfect plan and a perfect love for us.
Baptism allows God to draw closer to us and bless us more abundantly. We can trust him more, hear from him more, and feel his love more. And we also have more access to its power. When we become new creatures, we become more perfect creatures, and closer to God. This process gives us power to change. In Mosiah King Benjamin says the same thing to his people.
"7 Now therefore, because of the covenant which you have made, you will be called Christ's offspring, his sons and daughters, for, behold, today he has begotten you spiritually; for you say that your hearts have been changed through faith in his name; therefore you were born of him and became his sons and his daughters."
Because we enter into this covenant, we become his sons and daughters. God is our father. He is our father and we can trust him, we can give him our burdens and worries. He is with us in all moments.
In baptism, total immersion is necessary, and this is true of our souls as well. We need total immersion in the gospel, and baptism is the first step to do that.
Congratulations Oscar, continue to immerse yourself in the Gospel, and Christ will be there with you every step of the way.
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.


Guys... I think we might finally have a person here who wants to learn about the Gospel! We had a reference a week ago who asked us if we could teach him about baptism so we invited him to come to the baptism of Oscar and he accepted and actually showed up!!! 

When he went to the baptism he said it was so peaceful. We invited him to church as well and he came to church too! He told us that he had been looking for different churches his whole life and he hadn't ever found the one that felt right, but when he came to our church he felt more peace than he'd ever felt anywhere else! We haven't even had one lesson with him yet and he already came to a baptism, church, and we gave him a Book of Mormon! 

He also found out that he knew some of the members when he came to church! He already has friends in church and we're really optimistic that he's ready to be baptized, he's just so prepared. Please pray for Juan Manuel! 

Harassment in Bahía

This is a weird about turn, but I have once again been asked if I'm single. I have been in Bahía Blanca for one transfer and I have already been sent messages by 5 different old men on different occasions all asking if we the missionaries are single, or about how young and pretty we are and how badly they want to be married to girls like us and asking to meet up.

On Sunday (the holiest of days) we had a man lean out a bus as we walked past and yell, "Te puedo sacar la dignidad?" For those of you that don't speak Spanish, "Can I take away your dignity?" Yeah... Bahía is full of comments like that for us, and even the dogs are in on it.

I had a dog fully pull my skirt so he could dip under it and stick his head up my skirt. Then he tried to bite me until Hermana Ellison managed to scare him away with a rock.

It's all good though because now I have a bunch of really funny pictures of messages we've received. I might make a collage at the end of my mission! 

POV: You're a baptismal fecha

Had to stop to take a quick seesaw break

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